Are you an independent learner seeking modest investments that yield epic returns where your quality of life is concerned?
If your answer was a resounding ‘heck yeah’, then I would LOVE for you to adopt my whimsical book ‘babies’.
Peanut Butter & Parodies (a 10-month e-course packaged as an ebook to save you time, energy and money)
and Fake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about)
Periods, Poo & A Glorious You: The ‘OG’ of Comedic Nutritional Literacy.

Part Autobiography
Witty anecdotes about how I used intuition, nutrition and lifestyle medicine to heal autoimmune hepatitis and restore my liver to robust health after suffering severe liver cirrhosis.
Part Health Emporium
Hilarious analogies and character sketches to explain the nerdy mechanisms of physiology and food science.
Part Comedic Adventure
Each chapter contains stories, ideas and one-liners that will have you borderline wetting your pants (if not actually wetting your pants) with hearty belly laughs.
Part Recipe Book
Every chapter ends with a cheekily-named recipe that is symbolic of the chapter’s content. Each one is anti-inflammatory. Most are plant-based and gluten-free. ALL are free from refined sugar, wheat and GMO ingredients. We LOVE to see it!
What’s with the title?
We cover hormones – some of which are female – and have UNI-sex discussions about reproductive mechanics, conception (and perhaps, more importantly: CONTRACEPTION), pre-conception care and then, we move on, because there’s a lot more to health than plain ole’ fertility. Eventually even the most creative writers run out of euphemisms for va-J-J. A sure sign that it’s time to cover other topics. Which brings me to …
Digestive health is a recurring topic of discussion, as I aim to rectify just about EVERY bowel-related woe one could encounter. Get keen for crappy puns – even in passages that probably didn’t need to mention poo in the first place. What can I say? Crude wit is my superpower. Cracking crass (albeit deliciously-placed) jokes about the jazzy brown stuff keeps literature interesting. At least in my books.
Glorious You?
Start celebrating your body, health & life BEFORE they are threatened. Seriously. Appreciate your body’s function and daily service. To keep things relatable and interesting, I take the piss out of myself frequently, sharing shockingly hilarious anecdotes to champion the cause.
What the title doesn’t convey …
Everything in between.
- Non-radical discussions that settle (once and for all) the whole Gluten and Wheat conundrum
- Blood sugar regulation and how the insulin cascade can be likened to pesky door-knocking sales people
- How much water we ACTUALLY need
- The effects of stress and how we can reduce it, without retreating to a mountaintop and setting up meditative camp indefinitely
- The cooking oil debate – straight from the mouths of the very grains and seeds that yield these urine-tinted liquids
- Immunity and the best physiological insurance policies against being wiped-out by mutated microbial plagues
There’s loads more too.
Like the time I wet my pants at age 16.
And then shat them at 17.
Is anyone still reading?
If so, and if you’d like to read more, get around my not-so secret ramblings. You’ll learn, laugh, cry and conquer your fear of using public bathroom cubicles due to sound effect-induced stage fright.
Attention Parents …
This baby is not ALL periods & poo (we cover health from A-Z – not just poo to pee), but, nonetheless, it is an incredibly handy tool for those of you that are desperately dreading ‘the talk’ with your teens.
This worthy investment removes the awkwardness and replaces it with matter-of-fact amusement.
The perfect ‘coming of age’ present that extinguishes puberty-induced fear and confusion, whilst also busting urban myths.
Attention those with digestive distress …
This book is perhaps the most comedic manual in sorting that s*** (literally) out. The poop-pacifying prezzie that keeps on giving. Digestive harmony is my gift to you.

Periods, Poo & A Glorious You – Rachel Favilla
My debut book baby Periods, Poo & A Glorious You is a read for anyone that hosts a body and sense of humour. When you can’t decide between hilarious autobiographical anecdotes, amusing recipes, cliche-free health education or cheeky cartoons, this book rolls all four into one well-rounded and whimsical package.
Peanut Butter & Parodies: A (non-intimidating) Eating Disorder Prevention Guide.

The purpose is simple.
Heal your relationship with food and body image: one parody, pop culture reference and spoonful of peanut butter at a time.
The delivery is hilarious.
This is like no e-course you’ve ever done before.
It’s sharp. Witty. Organised. Whimsical. Creative. Musical. Social. No-fuss (after much deliberation, I decided to release it as an ebook, rather than a traditional e-portal-based platform). Put simply, it is the bomb diggity and WILL change your life for the self-loving better.
How is it organised?
Great question, Peanut Butter & Parodies is divided into four parts;
- An introduction where I whimsically detail exactly how forked up my relationship with food was in the beginning, what prompted me to turn this around, and what the liberating outcome was.
- A step-by-step guide to understanding real food and a fuss-free framework that will give you food freedom forever.
- The Ten Comedic Commitments:10 diet-free decrees that you work through over ten months. In less than a year, there will be no room in your life for rules that don’t serve you, foods that don’t nourish (and delight) you, or beliefs that cast a shadow over otherwise sunny days.
- Your New Normal: an encouraging goodbye where we celebrate how far you’ve come over the course of ten months. It is a digital party just for you – complete with a parody written in YOUR honour.
What’s with the title?
Peanut Butter?
I really like peanut butter (all nut butters actually) and I was better off naming a book after it than my first born. Me: Agreed? You: Agreed.
Every chapter ends with a parody: a popular song with a topical lyric re-jig that drives the context of that passage home. Learn whilst you groove – that is my educational motto.
WARNING: you will get the parody lyrics stuck in your head and the next time you hear the OG song you will sing your newfound nutritional lyrics instead. Sorry not sorry at all.

Peanut Butter & Parodies – ebook
Peanut Butter & Parodies is a 10-month e-course (packaged as an ebook) that is here to help you foster a functional relationship with your body and the foods you fuel it with; one paragraph, parody and pop-culture reference at a time.
Nut Butter On Life: A hilarious celebration of nuts, seeds and their glorious butters.

Do you love nut butter?
I do. So much so that I wrote a whole book about every single nut and seed butter known to human kind. It’s hilarious, inspiring and contains over 100 (yes, you read that correctly) recipes and serving suggestions to help you incorporate more plant-based goodness into your life.
How is it organised?
- We begin by learning about each ‘single origin’ nut butter; the physical and mental benefits, how to make it and how to use it.
- From here, we discuss ‘fusion butters’ (delicious and nutritious pastes made from a fusion of several nut and seed varieties).
- Then comes (as promised) an epic list of 100 different ways to use nut and seed butters (you’re going to want to try all of them!)
- To wrap up, I answer all of you nutty FAQ and bust the tragic nut-related myths that make people fear these nutritional powerhouses.
Just how hilarious are we talking?
Hmmm, well, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being on par with the likes of Anchorman or The Office) I’d say 11. Even if you aren’t a massive fan of nuts and seeds, this book is worth it for the comedy alone.

Nut Butter on Life – ebook
Nut Butter On Life is a playful celebration of nuts, seeds and their nutritious butters. Think you know everything there is to know about these underrated botanical gems? Think again.
Fake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about): a hilarious book of essays from the point of view of 2 incredibly sassy nutrition professionals

Ever wondered what Nutritionists discuss in their spare time?
What a silly question. Of course you have.
What’s that? You hadn’t before today?
Well, you’re curious NOW, aren’t you?
And this book is here to satiate that curiosity.
We receive so much conflicting information about health, nutrition and holistic medicine. It’s exhausting and my best friend (also a nutritionist) and I find ourselves repeatedly yelling about the state of our profession.
So, for Christmas, I wrote these rants down for her in a book. She loved them so much that I decided to publish them so that YOU could join in the fun. This is exclusive stuff you guys, you usually have to eavesdrop on our real-life conversations to soak this wisdom up.
I’ll say it again: EXCLUSIVE!*
I’m not one to play favourites but this may just be the best thing I have ever created (and for anyone who has tried the self-saucing chocolate puddings in my first book, you’ll know that this is saying something).
*Example of yelling.

Fake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about) | ebook
Originally written as a tongue-in-cheek Christmas present for my best friend, Fake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about) explores the twelve topics that holistic nutritionists rant about the most in their spare time.
So, friends, what are you waiting for? Sign those adoption papers already and welcome these whimsical resources into your life!
Product on saleFake Meat Isn’t Food! (and other things nutritionists yell about) | ebookOriginal price was: $25.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Product on saleNut Butter on Life – ebookOriginal price was: $25.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Product on saleNutty & Glorious Education BundleOriginal price was: $65.00.$50.00Current price is: $50.00.
Product on salePeanut Butter & Parodies – ebookOriginal price was: $30.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.
Product on salePeriods, Poo & A Glorious You – Rachel FavillaOriginal price was: $30.00.$10.00Current price is: $10.00.