This is a big claim, but astrology readings may just be my favourite offering of all (then again, I make a lot of big statements and change my mind like a Libra changes clothes, so please don’t hold me to this).
I fell in love with astrology because I found it validating.
Speaking of validation, if you have already made up your mind that you want a reading and don’t want to read the ‘essay’ below, simply click here to book. Please just be aware that I answer the most common FAQs below, so it might be worth your time (sorry not sorry).
Astrology didn’t challenge me to change or work on myself. It has simply taught me to accept and work with myself and my natural tendencies.
Astrology has made me aware of my sensitivities and potential blindspots so that I can:
a) Troubleshoot problems from a wiser and less reactive space.
b) Take better care of certain aspects of my life at specific times of the month or year, and
c) Be gentler on myself when I do things that, in hindsight, didn’t turn out to be the best course of action.
We are so much more than just our sun (star) sign!
Each planet and astrological house was occupied by one of the twelve zodiac signs at the precise time and location of our birth, and this influences how we choose to work, relate & play in this lifetime.
Each individual’s natal chart (the chart outlining your astrological blueprint) is unique to them. Not even twins have the exact same natal chart placements, as they are born at slightly different times.
Astrology doesn’t ‘rule’ us but it does influence us, significantly.
What is an astrological reading?
When you book in for a reading, you will let me know your birth date, time (the exact time, to the minute is preferable) and location (city/town etc.). I then enter this data into a natal chart calculator which calculates your exact planetary, asteroid and house placements (don’t worry if you’ve never heard of ‘the houses‘, I’ll explain them during your reading).
From here, I get a sense of how you navigate your worlds (inner and outer) , where you may be headed (please don’t worry, you have free will. Astrology predictions don’t rule your destiny, they colour it), what challenges you are likely to face, and ways in which you can overcome current and future obstacles.
How do I find out my birth time?
When you were born, your parents (or caregivers, for those who were raised by ‘honorary parents’) probably received a little book which had your birth time, weight, length etc. This is generally the same book that was taken to all your health checks when you were growing up.
Fingers crossed you or another loved one kept it.
If not, ask your parents and see if one of them remembers. If they don’t know the exact time, ask for a ball park figure. What time of day was it? Did you skip a meal to deliver me? Did I wake you in the middle of the night, demanding to be born? (sorry, how rude of me). You know, the sorts of questions you’d normally text to the people who raised you?
If all else fails and you only have your date and location of birth, we can calculate most of your planetary placements from this data alone. We just won’t know your rising sign or house placements.
It’s okay, the planets will still tell us a lot.
If you REALLY want to know your rising sign, we can guess it based on your personality and other planetary placements. While there’s no guarantees we’ll get it right, I have worked with clients to determine their rising sign. We usually boil it down to two or three possibilities and then from there, they instinctively ‘know’ what they are. It’s a fun and validating process and teaches them to trust their intuition.
Rach, how and why do YOU work with astrology?
I use astrology to celebrate and validate the parts of you and your life that you’ve always felt a little bit unsure of. For example, until the age of 23, I judged myself (harshly) for being ‘too’ sensitive and easily influenced by the moods of those around me. Then I found astrology and realised that I have a lot of water (specifically, Cancer) in my birth chart and that my sensitivities are a gift. I just need to establish healthy boundaries with situations and attitudes that make me feel uneasy.
I also find that if you are lacking direction (or alternatively, feel incredibly content with life but others are urging you to ‘do’ or ‘be’ more) an astrological reading can gently point you in the direction of your inner compass. The place where, in your heart of hearts, you want to be.
The latter part of a reading is powerful.
People generally mean well, but they often want us to be like them (even if they don’t realise it). ‘Do this‘ they say, ‘I did it, and it changed my life‘ (enter the cliff-jumping Sagittarius Sun or habit-worshipping Virgo Moon, stage right). Good for them, but, perhaps, not for you.
I work with astrology to validate what your instincts are already communicating to you. If you choose an annual profection reading (best suited to those who have already had a birth chart reading), we look at what the year ahead holds for you, reflect on past years, and determine why certain themes presented themselves to you at particular ages.
Navigating life can feel overwhelming, confusing and messy.
We want to trust our instincts but, what happens when they go against the feedback and guidance that we receive from the world around us?
Working with the planets and your own unique natal chart placements reminds you of your strengths, the gifts that lie within your perceived ‘weaknesses’, and the lessons your soul resolved to learn in this lifetime.
It also shows you how to use the current energies at play (i.e. where the planets are in real time) to your advantage. For example, taking action steps towards your goals between the new and full moon, or allowing extra time for travel when Mercury goes retrograde.
How long does an astrology reading take?
I choose to dedicate 90 minutes to all astrology readings (birth chart, annual profection, and Saturn return – read about the differences below) so that we have the freedom to dive deep. This isn’t surface level work and I want you to walk away feeling validated, empowered and excited by the information you receive.
Please carve out the space to be alone and uninterrupted during your reading, you’ll get way more value out of our time together by blocking out distractions, noise and interruptions.
We can catch up in person (I am in Adelaide) or do your reading via FaceTime, Zoom or Facebook Messenger Video. Let me know which format you’d prefer when you book your reading and if you choose a digital platform, please make sure your internet connection is strong.
Do I need to come prepared?
It’s a good idea to know why you want your reading.
Coming to your reading with an open mind, willingness to be vulnerable, and specific questions allows you to get the most value out of our time together.
Do you want to focus on your career, relationships, finances, or ALL of the things?
Do you want direction, or are you simply looking for clarity on why you make certain decisions and behave in certain ways?
If you let me know what you want to focus on when you book, I can specifically tailor your reading to that life theme.
The more questions you have and more details you share with me, the more specific we can get when looking at your chart.
Astrology readings aren’t like psychic readings – we astrologers can only see what your chart tells us. You fill in the blanks and then we work together to empower you with the information you want and need.
What is the investment?
$111 – 90-minute reading (no written report).
You will still receive a personalised placement summary template (I will pre-fill your placements for you) and my 17-page birth chart ‘cheat sheet’ pdf. You can use both resources to dive deeper into your chart in your own time. I’ll show you how to use these tools during our session.
$333 – 90-minute reading plus a relatable and easy-to-understand report that comprehensively explores your Planets, Angles and Nodes, as well as your Chiron, Fortune and Vertex placements.
Additionally, you will receive a personalised astrological house summary template and my 17-page birth chart ‘cheat sheet’ pdf that you can use to dive deeper into your chart in your own time . I will show you how to use both resources during our session.
$444 – everything included in the $333 option plus an in-depth astrological house summary. In this ultra-detailed report, all of the individual parts of your chart are summarised in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand package.
The Fine Print
The latter two options include a 90-minute 1:1 reading, as well as the written reports outlined in the respective descriptions. Please note: a detailed house summary report is only included in the $444 option.
Both reports are comprehensive resources (30-40 pages on average), which you will receive via email at the end of our session.
You are welcome to take notes (or record the session) as we chat and I answer your specific questions. If you choose the $333 or $444 offerings, most (if not all) of your questions are likely to be answered in your written report. If you choose the reading-only option ($111), I highly recommend recording and saving your session as a voice memo.
Because your birth time (and therefore, birth chart) doesn’t change (ever!), a birth chart reading is a one-off lifetime investment.
Want one of my books? Add on an extra $10 and take your pick.
I am flexible with payment options, you can pay cash or via EFT (electronic fund transfer).
Need a more affordable option? Check out my ‘express’ readings here.
Want to learn about astrology with your best friends? Check out my Astrology Circle events here.
Would you prefer private 1:1 astrology tutoring? I offer that as well.

Astrology Cheat Sheet (PDF)
Learn about the zodiac signs, planets, angles (ASC, DC, MC & IC) and astrological houses using the comprehensive 17-page astrology cheat sheet that all of my students use.
- The planets
- The houses
- The angles (ACS, DC, MC & IC)
- The zodiacs
- Triplicities (cardinal, fixed & mutable)
- Elements (fire, earth…
How can I book an astrology reading with you?
I am stoked that you asked.
Please fill in the contact form at the bottom of this page, and let me know your preferred time availabilities. If you already know what time you were born, pop that in your message too. Feel free to add any extra relevant information, such as how you came to be interested in astrology and/or why you want your chart read (I love these juicy details).
What is the difference between a birth chart reading and an annual profection reading?
Brilliant question.
Your initial reading with me will be a birth (natal) chart reading (unless you’ve had a birth chart reading with another astrologer previously). In this reading, we look at all your planetary (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars etc.) and house placements (each of the 12 houses influences particular life areas) and dive deep into all that makes you tick. Your strengths, challenges, quirks, communication styles, professional image, creativity, social habits, attitudes towards education, relationships and spirituality … literally every area of life is addressed.
In an annual profection reading, we will look at the current year and the potential it holds. Every year is different for everyone, obviously, but your age and birth chart combined can tell us a lot about the themes that are likely to play out over the next 12 months and beyond. If you’ve had challenging years in the past, we can also look back and discuss why this might have been the case, and reflect on how this helped you grow as a soul. This sort of reading is most powerful when you’re thinking of making life changes, or coming out of a challenging chapter of your life.
Do you offer Saturn return readings?
I sure do. If you are in your twenties and want to prepare for your Saturn return (or you’re in the midst of it and want support navigating this typically intense life stage), we can look at your Saturn return chart and what lessons/transformations your late twenties may have in store for you (and how to thrive amidst the change and challenges).
Learn more about Saturn Returns here.
Rachel is an Adelaide-based Astrologer, Nutritionist, Yoga teacher, Author, Comedian and Educator who marries health with humour and science with soul (and a respectable amount of sass).