All posts by Rachel

I’m doing the GAPS diet

Oh hello there. You’ve found some very old content. Please read the disclaimer on this page before thinking I’m still a total sheep who has been sucked into a bone-broth worshipping fad diet. Been there, learned from that and am now a much less rigid human.

Dear ones, we meet again!

The sun is up, the breeze is mild and I am inhaling the luscious scents wafting from the bone broth keeping warm in my slow cooker. I get the feeling it’s going to be a beautiful day.

Before I get too Pollyanna on Prozac, I’m going to get straight to the point. I’m embarking on the GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) Diet; a gut sealing and healing diet, formulated by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride.

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Spectacular Souls Saturday: Jessie Reimers

Fucking Stop It!!! It’s Jessie from ‘Get A Fresh Start’, best known for her work on the recent ‘Flick the Tick’ campaign where she took on the Heart Foundation and their revoltingly misleading tick program.

Meet foul-mouthed (preach those f-bombs oh candid one) yet sweet-hearted Jessie …

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We deserve magic!

Does anyone ever get that ‘too good to be true’ feeling? You know, that sensation where everything feels utterly dreamy. You only see happy outcomes ahead, that is, until you begin to question and second guess.

  • ‘Why is everything working out for me?’
  • ‘I haven’t worked hard enough to deserve this!’
  • ‘Life just doesn’t get this good … does it?’

I’ve definitely had these whispers before. In fact, the better my life gets, the more I seem tempted to question why.

Until now that it!

Continue reading We deserve magic!

Routine Or Rut?


I may be a little (and by a little, I mean a lot) guilty of creating routines, becoming overly attached to them and then feeling guilty if I don’t stick to them every. single. day.

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Spectacular Soul Saturday: Damian Kristof


I didn’t quite wet myself (but I did come close) when I accompanied my friend Amber to her Chiropractic appointment last Saturday and as we entered the reception area I caught my first (in-the-flesh) glimpse of poo-revearing rockstar, Damian Kristof.

Damo is co-founder of the Wellness Couch with Marcus Pearce, co-host of podcast The Wellness Guys and co-host of podcast 100 not out (again with Marcus Pearce – get a room you two, honestly .. what’s that, it’s called your recording studio. My bad, as you were).

He is also a dedicated naturopath and chiropracter based in Melbourne. He even has his own cereal line called Forage which is putting mainstream cereal companies to absolute shame.

Meet Damo …

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Reframing relaxation

It’s no secret that they key to mental clarity, productivity and overall physical health is allowing the body to rest, relax and recover from the stress and business that permeates into everyday life.


However relaxation is sometimes seen as such a luxury, that we feel guilty for allowing ourselves to partake in some downtime.

As a child I was blissfully unaware that guilting over relaxation was even a thing. As much as I was highly active and energetic when I stopped I really stopped and listened to my body. If I was tired, I’d sit down in front of the computer and spend a few hours decorating Barbie as Rapunzel’s castle (old school PC games were my childhood). If I was exhausted I’d make myself a bed on the lounge out of old blankets and pillows and just interchangably read or watch tv. Sometimes mum and I would drag the spare mattress into the family room and ‘camp-out’ there for a week or so. Good times!

Continue reading Reframing relaxation

Spectacular Soul Saturday: Lola Berry

Oh. Moi. Gawsh. I am bursting with enthusiasm  to share this weeks guest. In fact, I am this close to wetting my pants. Lols was my very first role model in the world of food and is most definitely the ‘Steve Irwin’ of fruits and veggies. She has written three beautiful books; Inspiring ingredients, The 20/20 Diet and The 20/20 Diet Cookbook (and she has a fourth book on the way in 2015 -yes!)

You can track her down on Youtube channel, or website (or Instagram account … search @yummololaberry) and she regularly appears in the media spreading a message of kind, vibrant living.

Meet Lola …

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Spectacular Soul Saturday: Sam Gowing

Today’s guest is Sen-fucking-sational Spa Chef; Sam Gowing.

Sam is working hard to bridge the gap between mainstream and health-based dining, and is Australia’s leading spa chef – designing menu’s for some of the countries top-rating retreats. Not just handy in the kitchen, Sam has a bachelor degree in nutritional medicine and runs the company Gowings: Food. Health. Wealth. If that’s not enough she was a regular presenter on health talks (which I go into more detail about here), which is where I first come across her work in the first place.

Meet Sam …

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