All about GAPS …

Listen Up Y’all, Disclaimer Alert: 

This is not a GAPS website. It did earn a reputation as a resource for GAPS recipes back in 2015/16, but being a GAPS hub was never my intention (it just kind of happened). That said, let’s take a moment to appreciate how appropriate the name Real Soup For The Real Soul is in the context of a diet based on broths and soups? We have to laugh.

I have seriously considered removing all evidence of my GAPS diet history from this site. I don’t want to be associated with such a restrictive and controversial protocol. After all, I am a qualified nutritionist who specialises in eating disorder prevention and recovery. 

That said, GAPS did have some benefits. It taught me a lot about the psychology of food. Through realising how strict diets can create a disordered relationship with nourishment, I broke free of my rigid beliefs and was then able to counsel clients out of theirs. I have left the archives be so that if you wish, you can observe my psychological evolution.

I was a bright-eyed 18-year-old (a child, by any other name) when I started this site. This was also the age at which I began GAPS.

I have grown up a lot since then and have a far richer understanding of nutrition and the psychology of eating as a whole.

To delete this chapter of my life would mean deleting recipes that were so adored that they made their way into a best selling cookbook and pretending that I had nutrition figured out from the get-go. The word real is included in this site’s namesake for a reason.  

And so, my bone broth-worshipping “soap box” moments stay. 


I’m doing the GAPS diet – and am very excited about it!

The GAPS intro diet (and why it isn’t as restrictive as it sounds)

GAPS intro stage 1 and 2

GAPS stage 3 – a story of a girl reunited with her beloved avocado

My day on a (GAPS) plate


You have no idea how excited I am to be on Full GAPS

Hard Core Healing: When GAPS is taken to the next level

Stepping it up

A GAPS update and some pretty awesome ferments

Back to Good Ole’ Whole Foods

My Final GAPS post

The post I wrote as I started transitioning off Full GAPS – the lessons, highs and lows

Extra GAPS Resources

Real Soup for Name’s Sake

You know you’re on GAPS when …

My go-to ketogenic meals (GAPS isn’t ketogenic in nature, though some opt for a lower-carbohydrate version for a period of time to reap the proclaimed medicinal benefits. At 19, I was one of them. It was miserable and I desperately missed butternut pumpkin. I don’t typically recommend ketosis. That said, if you’re dead set that you’re doing it – come hell or high water – here’s some foodie inspiration)

A Very Brief Post on Enemas

For GAPS Recipes, click here, here, here, here, here or here

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