Oh hello there. You’ve found some very old content. Please read the disclaimer on this page before thinking I’m still a total sheep who has been sucked into a bone-broth worshipping fad diet. Been there, learned from that and am now a much less rigid human.
These recipes can be enjoyed on Stage 6 of the GAPS nutritional protocol.
Whilst you are now tolerating more baked goods and fruit, it is important that you still enjoy quality meats/fish (and their broths), eggs, vegetables (some cooked, some raw and some fermented), fermented foods and nourishing fats (to tolerance level – no need to go overboard as has been the trending thing in some foodie circles) such as coconut oil, bone marrow, tallow, butter, ghee, raw olive oil and avocado.
*Recipes from stage 1-5 are still highly encouraged in stage 6 as you relish in the sweetness of newly-introduced fruits and other miscellaneous items