Mind Set

It’s Not All Doom and Gloom

If you're listening to health-conscious thought-leaders and paying attention to the media sources daring to inform us of  inconvenient truths, then ...

5 Easy Rituals for a Better Day

Oh how I love me a good ritual. They take ordinary tasks to the next level and remind me to ...

2 weeks of napping, walking and semi-fasting

If you've been reading this blog for a while, then you probably already know me quite well (let's be honest ...


Am I the only one that from time to time is overwhelmed with a sense of urgency? I feel that ...

We deserve magic!

Does anyone ever get that 'too good to be true' feeling? You know, that sensation where everything feels utterly dreamy ...

Routine Or Rut?

I may be a little (and by a little, I mean a lot) guilty of creating routines, becoming overly attached ...

Pull On Your Happy Pants!

Happiness, For me happiness is a massive belly laugh with my dear amigos or Mamma Bear. It's a refreshing dip ...

Graitude Journal moments and finding the blessing

Gratitude. Often forgotten in our western world. Amidst the rapid pace of life and sufferance of first world problems (like ...

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