Tag Archives: common sense

Sneaky Work-outs

Two and a bit years ago I wrote this post about bringing the motivation and fun back to exercise. This was when I first started blogging and I sure could rave on (to the point where just reading the damn post was a work-out for the optic nerves!!!).

These days, where possible, I’m trying to cut my posts down so you can just read them – get the gist, implement what you want, and get on with your day.

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Smashing Sardine Salad

Another “throw-it-together” meal (like yesterday’s salmon recipe) that is super-duper simple and packs a flavour punch. As long as you’ve dedicated time to innovative meal prep earlier in the day or week, you can have this baby ready in mere minutes.

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Probs my last GAPS post for a while.

Oh hello there. You’ve found some very old content. Please read the disclaimer on this page before thinking I’m still a total sheep who has been sucked into a bone-broth worshipping fad diet. Been there, learned from that and am now a much less rigid human.

Well GAPSters it’s been real, but as you probably read in this post, I’m finally transitioning off the healing GAPS diet and introducing some nutrient-dense starches back into my diet.

I’ve learned so much on GAPS,  though I feel it’s time for me to move on, after all, this is not a forever protocol.

Continue reading Probs my last GAPS post for a while.

The end of an era

Oh hello there. You’ve found some very old content. Please read the disclaimer on this page before thinking I’m still a total sheep who has been sucked into a bone-broth worshipping fad diet. Been there, learned from that and am now a much less rigid human.

Well sweet friends, those of you that have been reading this blog for a while may remember how In late January last year I began my GAPS healing and what a learning curve it has been!

I began the protocol at a time where I wasn’t actually doing all that badly on the health front. My liver function tests were in the healthy range, I was fit, thriving and loving life (no mental health issues).

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Real Food Regrets

In this post I promised a follow up blog where I described my main mistakes when trying to work out what food choices suited my body the best. These mistakes are not regrets (so, my apologies for the title, I just really like alliteration). I learned a lot from making them.

That said,  if I can possibly help you avoid running into similar problems yourself, then consider me having taken one many for the team.

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My Favourite Green Smoothie

I have updated this post (I am writing to you in June 2019 and the post was originally written in 2016). It was wordy. Yawn! This smoothie doesn’t need a rant. It just needs to be embraced.

An even tastier variation is available in my glorious paperback; Periods, Poo & A Glorious You but for now, the original base recipe will do just dandily.

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Standing strong in your personal power

I’ve learned a major lesson over the past 5 months – one that I feel is too important not to share.

You may remember that I had a liver biopsy in January and experienced internal bleeding – catch up here. Despite the pain, uncomfortable recovery period and anaesthetic side effects, it thankfully showed me the results I wanted (a real life example of autoimmunity in remission) .

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5 Easy Rituals for a Better Day

Oh how I love me a good ritual. They take ordinary tasks to the next level and remind me to take some time for myself, even if it’s just a few minutes out of a whole, full, busy day. Below are my 5 favourite quick and easy rituals that don’t really take any extra time out of your day (maybe a minute here or there at the most!), but will leave you feeling uber pumped and full of warm fuzzies!

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