Tag Archives: just for fun

In Defence of Food

As a nutritionist, and food-loving human, it is my job to lend a voice to the innocent ingredients that are commonly used as diet-shaming clickbait. As nutritional science can get drier than cereal without milk, I’m sprucing up the conversation by turning it into a lively courtroom drama. Welcome to Raw & Disorder, let’s begin.

In the nutritional justice system, dietary based offenses do not sustain us. In this article, a whimsical nutritionist lends her platform to vilified food stuffs. These are their stories. *Dun, Dun*.

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Star Crossed Nut Butters

We’ve read the planetary guide to pooping.

And it was good times.

Today, the topic is even more glorious.

The nut (or seed) butter to match your glorious sun (or moon) sign.

It’s no secret that nut butter on life is my motto and honestly, this post has been a long time coming.

The other day, my best friend (and fellow nutritionist) Lana and I decided that the world was ready for an astrological guide to nut butter.

You best believe that we thought long and hard about which nut (or seed) butter best suited each zodiac sign.

Let’s not mess about with small talk.

Without further ado, here’s the list.

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Gut Busters

Faced with a gut myth and don’t know where to turn? Who you gonna call? Gut busters!

Last week I invited Ginger on to set us straight about her spicy merits and today, we are lucky enough to be joined by Connor Colon from Gut Busters (a.k.a your colon – the distal end of your digestive tract). Connor is going to bust 3 common myths about gut health so we can all rest easy and save our pennies in the process.

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My Snazzy ‘n’ Sober 21st

On Saturday night I celebrated my 21st birthday …

But, in true Rachie style, I decided to boycott convention.

There was no alcohol. It was a dry-zone. Instead of booze we sipped on coconut water kefir, sparkling grape and apple concoctions, and juice diluted with sparkling water. No one died! Astonishing, so it is possible to celebrate without assaulting the liver! Who knew?

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A Day on my Plate – All The VEG!!!

It’s been a while since my last “a day on my plate” post and I figured, I’ve actually got time to do a blog post (this chicken is up-to-date with her uni assignments). Let’s take a peek at my veg-a-licious eats.

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A Day On My Plate: Easy Faves

The thing that helps keep me on track with eating nutrient-dense meals is having key ingredients on hand. When we a) love a recipe, b) have the ingredients available to us, and c) find said recipe easy to prepare, we can say winner, winner broccoli for dinner!

Here’s what I’m obsessed with lately …

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A Day On My Plate: My Latest Obsessions

Ages ago (and I mean ages), I wrote this post where I was all like “I’m going to do a regular-ish post series sharing what I eat from day to day, because I find what others eat fascinating and figured maybe you do too”.  I got the idea from Megan and her “what I ate Wednesday” posts. Is it totally tragic that I enjoy perving on what she’s been eating of late? Don’t answer that.

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Halva Cake

When I was 16 – stepping back in time to 2013 – I was forevermore whipping up homemade halva balls. Halva is a middle eastern dessert made from tahini (ground sesame seeds) and honey. There’s usually a few other bits and bobs in there too, such as chopped nuts.

I’m all about keeping things humble, so I’d simply keep a bowl of un-hulled tahini mixed with raw honey in the fridge. When I felt like a snack or instant dessert, I’d roll a few spoons of said mix into balls, roll said balls in chia seeds and stud them with a goji berries.

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Chocolate Chip “Awesomeness” Cookies

What’s absolutely smack-bang awesome? Chocolate! What’s even more fanfreakintabulous? Chocolate Chips … nature’s way of saying “lovely human, you don’t have to choose between a few sneaky squares of choccie and a cheeky baked good come dessert time … you can have the best of both worlds and it can be GOOD TIMES”!

I love working with Absolute Organic Chocolate Chips (NOT SPONSORED). Although they have a little cane sugar, they are 70% cocoa, have far less sugar than regular chocolate chips and are made with honest, natural ingredients – no milk solids or emulsifier soy lethicin here my friends. Plus, I do love the whole “chocolate is rich in magnesium” excuse … it never hurts to have another reason to feel EVEN BETTER about indulging in the humble choccie treat.

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