Tag Archives: just for fun

Serve Me A Suggestion

I love food (if that isn’t obvious already)!

I also love spending time in the kitchen experimenting or simply whipping up classic favourites.

However … there are times when I’m just not in the mood to cook (I can be very impatient when I’m hungry) and just want something fast and delicious.

That is where I love serving suggestions. Not in the sense of processed packaged pseudo-foods or microwave dinners, but rather where you just combine a few, fresh, tasty ingredients to create the most amazing flavour combinations with impressive nutritional profiles.

Let me share with you some of the ‘serving suggestions’ that I have been loving lately.

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Graitude Journal moments and finding the blessing


Often forgotten in our western world. Amidst the rapid pace of life and sufferance of first world problems (like wi-fi continuously dropping out or forgetting to make ice cubes – the struggles are real) it’s easy to overlook the multitude of blessings that most of us take for granted.

When I’m overwhelmed or exhausted, I rarely stop and count my (for lack of a less spiritual word) ‘blessings’.

Continue reading Graitude Journal moments and finding the blessing